"Your Eco-Friendly Solution
to Pest Control!"
Green Valley Pest Control began its venture in this area, when we saw the need for environmentally friendly products at affordable rates. Our Technicians specialize in general pest control, wood destroying insect control, and preventative maintenance.
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Call Us For A Free Quote:
(541) 505-9489

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Green Valley Pest Control offers eco-friendly pest control alternatives to harsh synthetic products. Our eco-friendly products are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are considered to be environmentally friendly.
We use products comprised of minerals and other plant-based materials containing Pyrethrum (which is derived from Chrysanthemums), such as Boric Acid, Indoxacarbs, Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids.
These products are mild/low-risk/low-impact to people, pets and the environment.
Pest control services are performed by our highly trained, state licensed applicators. Our technicians are professionally trained to meet all your pest control needs.
We offer a wide variety of Residential and Commercial services including:
Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, One-Time, and Preventative Services.
Our skilled technicians, are eager to prevent and eliminate pest problems. You'll see ants, spiders, wasps, roaches, fleas, mice, and other pests disappear – thanks to our locally-owned, on time service.
Are you currently experiencing pest issues?
Do you have questions about your new or existing service?
Give us a call - we'd love to hear from you!
Our honest, and friendly staff members are happy to assist you with any questions you may have.
Call us today for a free quote!
(541) 505-9489
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